About the research of Monika Aidelsburger
Monika Aidelsburger’s research focuses on quantum simulation and the experimental investigation of so-called ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices. In solids, the measurement of Hall deflections caused by the application of a magnetic field is standard. If these solids are brought into an area in which quantum phenomena play a role, fascinating topological states can arise whose properties we still do not understand exactly to date. Prof. Dr. Aidelsburger has realised an innovative method that makes it possible to simulate these phenomena in the laboratory with ultracold atoms in order to gain new insights into the exotic properties of topological matter. In particular, fundamental concepts that were previously considered purely theoretical and not directly observable phenomena can now be examined. At present, Prof. Dr. Aidelsburger is working on the development of a new platform that will extend quantum simulation with ultracold atoms to phenomena from the field of quantum electrodynamics and particle physics. For her peers, Monika Aidelsburger is among the world elite in quantum physics: Her scientific work has been published in international journals as well as cited approximately 5,500 times. In addition to her research and teaching at LMU, she is also active as an expert and mentor at international conferences.
“I have developed an innovative method that makes it possible to simulate these phenomena in the laboratory with ultracold atoms in order to gain new insights into the exotic properties of topological matter. In particular, fundamental concepts that were previously considered purely theoretical and not directly observable phenomena can now be investigated.” Prof. Dr. Monika Aidelsburger
“Monika Aidelsburger has already achieved exceptional results in her young career. Not only is she one of the most cited scientists in her field and therefore a driving force in quantum physics, but her research will perhaps have a fundamental influence on our future. We are happy to be able to accompany her on her journey.”
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Ursula Gather, Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of the Krupp Foundation