Annual programme 2025
Alfried Krupp Prize

Alfried Krupp Prize

Alfried Krupp Prize

The Alfried Krupp Prize is open for applications until 28 February 2025.

Since 1986, the Foundation has awarded the Alfried Krupp Prize (Alfried Krupp-Förderpreis) to young university professors in the natural sciences and engineering fields (including medicine) who have excellent scientific qualifications and outstanding research achievements. The prize is one of the most important awards for young scientists in Germany.

Candidates holding a permanent or fixed-term professorship at a university within the Federal Republic of Germany (first appointment to a W2 or W3 professorship) can be nominated for the prize. They should not be older than 38 years. The prize is endowed with EUR 1.1 million. The prize winners are able to use the funding in an unbureaucratic way to create optimal working environments independently of public funding: for example, they can set up and enhance laboratories and workstations, attend symposia and specialist congresses and finance scientific staff and special research groups. A lump sum of EUR 150.000 from the funding will be made available to the university to cover indirect costs (overhead).

Award winners to date

Objective and category of people

The funding programme is aimed at young university professors in the natural sciences and engineering fields (including medicine) with excellent scientific qualifications and outstanding research achievements. The aim is to support promising researchers at an early stage of their scientific careers in developing and implementing new ideas. The Alfried Krupp Prize is intended to create freedom; therefore specific project descriptions are not a prerequisite for its awarding. 

Candidates may be nominated whose aptitude for research and teaching has been confirmed by their first appointment to a permanent or fixed-term professorship (W2 or W3) at a university in the Federal Republic of Germany. Holders of a Heisenberg professorship (W2 or W3) can also be nominated. Junior professors or professors at universities of applied sciences, technology institutes and colleges cannot be considered in the procedure. 

As a rule, candidates who are nominated should not be older than 38 years.

Scope and period of funding

Upon awarding of the prize, funding to a total of EUR 1.1 million is granted for a period of five years. This sum includes personnel funds for scientific staff and scholarship holders, one-off or ongoing material, consumables and travel funds to support research work as well as a fund for subject-related personal use. A lump sum of EUR 150.000 from the funding will be made available to the university to cover indirect costs (overhead).

During the five-year funding period, the prize winner is expected to organise an international scientific symposium on topics in his or her field of research.

The awarding of the prize is linked to the person winning the prize.

Nomination and selection procedure

Individuals, research institutions and universities are eligible to submit nominations. Self-applications are excluded.

In principle, only one candidate per university should be nominated. The aim of the Foundation is for universities at which the candidates work to specifically focus on one nomination.

Nominations are reviewed by the Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board, and, if necessary, the Foundation obtains supplementary external expert opinions. The final decision on awarding of the prize lies with the Foundation. Legal claims of any kind relating to the awarding of the prize are excluded. The selection procedure is confidential. Information on the reasons for the decision will not be provided.    

Nominations are reviewed by the Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board, and, if necessary, the Foundation obtains supplementary external expert opinions. The final decision on awarding of the prize lies with the Foundation. Legal claims of any kind relating to the awarding of the prize are excluded. The selection procedure is confidential. Information on the reasons for the decision will not be provided.


The following is a list of frequently asked questions about the application process for the Alfried Krupp Prize.

Online application portal

Applications for the prize may only be submitted via the digital application portal of the Krupp Foundation.

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board proposes the winner of the prize to the Board of Trustees of the Krupp Foundation during a selection meeting.
The committee consists of the following persons:

  • Professor Dr. Ferdi Schüth, Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, Mülheim an der Ruhr (Chairman)
  • Professor Dr. Ulrich Schollwöck, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (Deputy Chairman)
  • Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Onur Güntürkün, Ruhr University Bochum
  • Professor Dr. Birgit Liss, University of Ulm
  • Professor Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Ing. Tim Christian Lüth, Technical University Munich
  • Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Marion Merklein, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • Professor Dr. Dorothea Wagner, KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Professor h. c. Dr. Heinz Wiendl, Medical Center – University of Freiburg


Maren Isabel Fritz
Hügel 15
45133 Essen
Phone: +49 (0)201 1884808