Current calls for proposals
The programme “Berthold Beitz Student Trips to Berlin” is open for applications until 11 April 2025.
Fellowship and funding programmes
The Alfried Krupp Prize is expected to be offered again in autumn 2025.
Since 1986, the Foundation has been awarding the Alfried Krupp Prize (Alfried Krupp-Förderpreis) to young university professors in the natural sciences and engineering (including medicine) with outstanding academic qualifications and excellent research achievements already to their name. The prize is one of the most important awards for young scientists in Germany.
Hügel 15
45133 Essen
The programme „Thomas Mann Fellowships“ was open for applications until 13 February 2025.
Pacific Palisades, near Los Angeles, is famous as the spiritual and intellectual centre of German exile in the USA. Among many others, Thomas Mann and his family found a new home here for many years. Their former home was acquired by the Federal Republic of Germany in November 2016 in order to preserve it in memory of the time of exile from Germany and to develop it into a meeting place for transatlantic discourse. At the heart of the institution’s programme are the “Thomas Mann Fellowships”, whose participants – renowned academics, intellectuals and artists – are to initiate debates regarding fundamental topics of the present and the future on both sides of the Atlantic during their stays at this historic location. The residency programme is funded by the German government, the Krupp Foundation and other foundations.
10117 Berlin
The fellowship programme has expired. Applications are no longer possible.
The Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation and Stanford University would like to make a contribution to deepening German-American academic relations and have therefore jointly established the “Krupp Foundation Fellowship for Visiting Student Researchers at Stanford”. As part of this programme, the Krupp Foundation awards three research grants to German doctoral students in the humanities to enable them to spend time at Stanford University in California/USA as part of their dissertation work.
Hügel 15
45133 Essen
Hügel 15
45133 Essen
The scholarship programme is expected to be offered again in summer 2026.
The Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation has been awarding scholarships for contemporary German photography in co-operation with the Photographic Collection at the Folkwang Museum since 1982. The funding is aimed at photographers (without age limit) who would like to develop a photographic project over a longer period of time independently of a commissioned work. The call for applications is neither restricted thematically nor assigned to a specific area of photographic practice.
With this open funding programme, the Foundation aims to promote a contemporary artistic exploration of photographic perspectives and modes of representation. The Photographic Collection at the Folkwang Museum is in charge of this funding programme.
45128 Essen
The scholarship programme is expected to be offered again in autumn 2026.
The Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation launched the “Museum Curators for Photography” scholarship programme in 1999. Every two years, three scholarship recipients receive two years of museum-specific training as well as the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the museum-related and scientific environment of the field of photography.
With this programme, the Krupp Foundation aims to sustainably support young curators in the field of photography and provide new impetus to the training of museum curators.
Hügel 15
45133 Essen
Hügel 15
45133 Essen
The exhibition and catalogue prize is expected to be offered again in spring 2025.
The Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation set up the “Catalogues for Young Artists” programme in 1982. With this programme, the Foundation aims to enable promising young artists to have their own catalogue. At the same time, exhibition organisers are to be encouraged to develop new and innovative exhibition concepts. Each year, three catalogues and the accompanying exhibitions are funded.
Hügel 15
45133 Essen
Hügel 15
45133 Essen
The programme is only available for Stanford University students.
Since 1982, the programme of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation has been offering young students from Stanford University the opportunity to spend six months in Germany. It is aimed at undergraduates of all disciplines in the 3rd or 4th year of their degree programme. The stay in Germany includes a three-month study phase at Stanford University in Berlin and a three-month internship at German companies or institutions.
The Krupp Foundation covers the costs of scholarships for those participants whose host institutions pay little or no internship remuneration. In addition, the programme supports the scholarship holders’ travel expenses as well as the publication of the electronic newsletter, which has been informing current and former Stanford scholarship holders of the Foundation about news from Germany once a year since 2005.
Pacelliallee 18-20
14195 Berlin
The scholarship programme is expected to be offered again in summer 2026.
The “Alfried Krupp Student Scholarships for Internships Abroad” programme was established in 1997 especially for students at schools in Essen. It is offered every year at the beginning of the school year. The scholarship holders (minimum age: 15 years) are given the opportunity to gain their first insights into working life and its requirements and to familiarise themselves with a foreign culture through a four-week internship abroad.
c/o EWG-Essener Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH
Kennedyplatz 5
45127 Essen
The funding programme was offered in 2023.
To express its close ties with the city of Essen, the Ruhr region and its population, the Krupp Foundation is offering the “150 years of Villa Hügel – 150 projects for the Ruhr region” funding programme, endowed with up to EUR 1.5 million, in 2023. As part of Villa Hügel’s anniversary year, projects will be selected along the lines of the funding priorities “Starting small, carrying on through difficulties, striving for greatness”. These date back to a quote from Alfred Krupp, designer and builder of Villa Hügel, and also constitute the categories into which the programme is subdivided.
Hügel 15
45133 Essen
Hügel 15
45133 Essen