Annual programme 2025



In the area of education, our aim is to promote and support the development of pupils and students. The Alfried Krupp Student Scholarships for Internships Abroad for students from Essen, the establishment of a school media centre, and the funding of student laboratories are intended to improve the education of young people. The Foundation wants to provide the younger generation with the opportunity to discover and develop their own skills at an early age.

Alfried Krupp Student Scholarships for Internships Abroad

The programme is currently not being offered.

The Foundation has supported schools in Essen and in the Ruhr region in particular with its own programmes and numerous individual projects. The programme Alfried Krupp Student Scholarships for Internships Abroad (Alfried Krupp-Schüler*innenstipendien für Betriebspraktika im Ausland) was set up in 1997 especially for students at schools in Essen. It is offered every year at the beginning of the school year.

The programme is aimed at pupils (minimum age: 15 years) at schools in Essen. A four-week internship abroad is intended to provide the scholarship holders with the opportunity to gain an initial insight into working life and its requirements and to familiarise themselves with a foreign culture.

Berthold Beitz Student Trips to Berlin

The programme “Berthold Beitz Student Trips to Berlin” is open for applications until 11 April 2025.

In close collaboration with the city of Essen and in cooperation with the Jewish Museum Berlin, up to ten classes from grades 9 to 13 will have the opportunity to travel to Berlin in a class group each year starting in the 2024/2025 school year. The Berthold Beitz Student Trips to Berlin (Berthold Beitz Schüler*innenfahrten nach Berlin) enable school classes from Essen to travel to Berlin in the spirit of German-Jewish understanding, including to the Jewish Museum Berlin and other places of remembrance of the National Socialist dictatorship. Berthold Beitz saved the lives of hundreds of Jewish people during the Second World War and was honoured as “Righteous Among the Nations” at Yad Vashem. To this day, German-Jewish understanding remains one of the most important focal points of the Foundation’s work.

Student laboratories

Alfried Krupp Student Laboratory of Science

The Ruhr University Bochum was one of the first universities in Germany to set up the “Alfried Krupp Student Laboratory of Science” with the support of the Foundation, which houses both the Student Laboratory for Natural and Engineering Sciences and the Student Laboratory for Humanities and Social Sciences. Students of all ages are introduced to the methods of scientific work in a practical way.

Student X-ray laboratory at the German Röntgen Museum

In Remscheid (Germany), also funded by the Krupp Foundation, the “RöLab Student X-ray Laboratory” was set up on the premises of the German Röntgen Museum to familiarise adolescents with the technology of image-producing processes.

Alfried Krupp Student Laboratory of the Arts

Since May 2022, there has been a model project for the support of young artists that is unique in Germany: the Alfried Krupp Student Laboratory of the Arts at the Folkwang University of the Arts in the SANAA building at the Folkwang Campus World Heritage Site Zollverein. In artistic/scientific workshops, it offers innovative insights into the disciplines of art, music, design and performance for school classes from grade 9 upwards.

Krupp Internship Program for Stanford Students in Germany

The programme is only available for Stanford University students.

Since 1982, the “Krupp Internship Program for Stanford Students in Germany” has offered young students from Stanford University the opportunity to spend six months in Germany. It is aimed at undergraduates of all disciplines in the 3rd or 4th year of their degree programme. The stay in Germany includes a three-month study phase at Stanford University in Berlin and a three-month internship at German companies or institutions. To date, more than 1,300 students have taken part in the scholarship programme. Over the past 38 years, around 580 companies, research centres and other institutions have provided jobs for the interns.

The Krupp Foundation covers the costs of scholarships for those participants whose host institutions pay little or no internship remuneration. In addition, the programme supports the scholarship holders’ travel expenses as well as the publication of the electronic newsletter, which has been informing current and former Stanford scholarship holders of the Foundation about news from Germany once a year since 2005.

“150 years of Villa Hügel – 150 projects for the Ruhr region” funding programme

Brave not perfect, “Bude inklusiv”, “Kleiner Bahnhof”, Requiem for a Car, “Experiment Glück”, “Uni trifft Gesellschaft”, Kick it like friends…. These are seven of the “150 projects for the Ruhr region” – a unique funding programme of the Krupp Foundation. 

To express its solidarity with the city of Essen, the Ruhr region and its population, the Foundation launched the “150 projects for the Ruhr region” funding programme, endowed with EUR 1.5 million, to mark the 150th anniversary of Villa Hügel in 2023. The goal: To strengthen the Ruhr region and to support the diversity of topics within the region.

News from the field of education