Annual programme 2025



The focus of support in the area of healthcare is the Foundation’s own Alfried Krupp Hospital with two sites in the districts of Essen-Rüttenscheid and Essen-Steele. The Foundation provides substantial funds for this purpose. Apart from this, projects in the field of healthcare are generally only funded in the context of separate programmes.

Alfried Krupp Hospital

The Foundation is the owner of the Alfried Krupp Hospital, which has around 850 beds at its two sites in Essen-Rüttenscheid and Essen-Steele. In 14 specialised clinics, the approximately 2,500 employees of the Alfried Krupp Hospital provide patients with a wide range of medical and nursing care. The broad specialist orientation, together with our own competence and health centres, enables specialists and nursing staff to offer interdisciplinary treatment concepts, especially for patients with complex clinical presentations.

Crybaby Infant Outpatient Clinic

With ‘The first 1,000 days’, the Foundation has funded a special project that is intended to benefit young families and infants. The Essen-based “Ärztliche Beratungsstelle gegen Vernachlässigung und Misshandlung e.V.” (Medical Advice Centre against Neglect and Abuse) received a grant for a three-year project entitled “The First 1,000 Days” as part of its Crybaby Infant Outpatient Clinic (Schreikindambulanz), which has been in operation since 2001. During this time, i.e., during pregnancy and in the first two years of life, emotional experiences shape the child’s later development. Disruptions in the family environment due to being overwhelmed or in case of psychological problems of the parents can result in psychological developmental disorders of the child that are difficult to correct. Early support in acute crises is intended to provide affected children and families with rapid relief, reduce risk factors and give children a better chance of proper development.

Midwifery practice (“Schützende Hände”) of the Essen Child Protection Association

A new addition to the family is a wonderful thing, but it can also turn the life of a new family upside down. Young mothers and fathers in particular are often overwhelmed by the new situation and don’t know where to go for help. In such cases, expectant parents as well as new parents from the north of Essen can now turn to the midwifery practice of the Child Protection Association in Altenessen, which was set up in 2022 and is funded by the Krupp Foundation in conjunction with other cooperation partners. A midwife and a paediatric nurse work hand in hand to help families with a wide range of issues and help them navigate through the challenges of parenthood. The practice provides around 900 consultations per year. As a first step, the Foundation supported the initial equipping of the practice and the procurement of a “midwife vehicle”. In a second step, the Foundation’s commitment will be expanded by covering the personnel costs for the paediatric nurse for a total of three years.

“150 years of Villa Hügel – 150 projects for the Ruhr region” funding programme

Brave not perfect, “Bude inklusiv”, “Kleiner Bahnhof”, Requiem for a Car, “Experiment Glück”, “Uni trifft Gesellschaft”, Kick it like friends…. These are seven of the “150 projects for the Ruhr region” – a unique funding programme of the Krupp Foundation. 

To express its solidarity with the city of Essen, the Ruhr region and its population, the Foundation launched the “150 projects for the Ruhr region” funding programme, endowed with EUR 1.5 million, to mark the 150th anniversary of Villa Hügel in 2023. The goal: To strengthen the Ruhr region and to support the diversity of topics.

News from the field of health