In the area of sports, the sailing yacht Germania VI, youth and club sports in the Essen region as well as support for sports science research are traditional funding priorities of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. The Foundation does not engage in sports sponsorship.
Germania VI
The Germania VI is the last sailing yacht of Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach. In accordance with his wishes, the yacht was designed in 1963 as a crew ship for worldwide voyages to provide young yachtspeople with the opportunity to train in ocean and regatta sailing. The Krupp Foundation has been maintaining the Germania VI since 1972. Since then, more than 11.000 young sailing enthusiasts have been given the opportunity to sail on the high seas.
Following an agreement between Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach, son of the founder of the Foundation Alfried Krupp, who died in 1986, and Berthold Beitz, then Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Krupp Foundation, the yacht became the property of the Foundation in 1972. Since then, the Foundation has operated the ship and promoted its maintenance as well as the training of young yachtspeople within the scope of the sports section of the Foundation’s charter.
Become part of the team
Every year, the training yacht Germania provides young sailing enthusiasts with the opportunity to gain experience in ocean sailing on a robust and well-equipped ship that is steeped in tradition. In this, they are part of an experienced team and can experience and expand their sailing and personal limits on board. Under supervision, they learn to take responsibility for themselves, others and the ship. Passing on the knowledge learnt is part of the ship’s tradition. Enquiries about joining the crew can be made informally. The age of the fellow yachtspeople is usually between 18 and 30.
On 29 October 2020, the Fourth German Children’s and Youth Sports Report (Vierter Deutscher Kinder- und Jugendsportbericht) was published, entitled “Health, Performance and Society”. The report is dedicated to the current situation in children’s and youth sports and identifies gaps in research.
In September 2003, the Foundation initiated and published the First German Children’s and Youth Sports Report. The report documents the existing knowledge on children’s and youth sports, identifies existing research gaps and provides recommendations for action for politicians, associations, clubs and schools. Following the publication of the first report, six dissertation scholarships were awarded in the area of sports science.
“150 years of Villa Hügel – 150 projects for the Ruhr region” funding programme
Brave not perfect, “Bude inklusiv”, “Kleiner Bahnhof”, Requiem for a Car, “Experiment Glück”, “Uni trifft Gesellschaft”, Kick it like friends…. These are seven of the “150 projects for the Ruhr region” – a unique funding programme of the Krupp Foundation.
To express its solidarity with the city of Essen, the Ruhr region and its population, the Foundation launched the “150 projects for the Ruhr region” funding programme, endowed with EUR 1.5 million, to mark the 150th anniversary of Villa Hügel in 2023. The goal: To strengthen the Ruhr region and to support the diversity of topics within the region.
Art and Culture, Education, Foundation, Healthcare, News, Science, Sports
On 13 and 14 September, the Krupp Foundation took part in the annual Citizens’ Festival of the Federal President at Bellevue Palace. This festival honours volunteer work in Germany and …